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Biz türkçe konuşuyoruz

Rezervasyon ucreti yok!
Çöğu rezervasyonu bedava iptal edebilme imkanı!

Otel/tatil ara:

* isteğe bağlı
 (€ toplam)

oteller Bulgaristan (212)

Bulgaristan'da 2024/25 kayak

Canlı web kamerası in Bulgaristan

Promosyonlar in Bulgaristan (1406)

Bu web sitesinin kullanımı hakkında sıkça sorulan sorular

Online rezervasyon

How the reservation process takes place in general Rezervasyon işlemi genelde nasıl yapılır?
Bu web sitesinde fiyatları kontrol edebilir, otellere bakabilir ve seçiminizi yapabilirsiniz. O zaman size uygun olan sayfalarda bulunan "online rezervasyon" tuşuna tıklayarak rezervasyon geçebilirsiniz. Basit bir rezervasyon formu doldurarak oteli, konaklama süresini, kişisel bilgilerinizi, kişi sayısını,oda sayısını, yemek ve isterseniz ek hizmetleri belirtiyosunuz. Bir sonraki sayfada rezervasyon detaylarını görebilir, eğer gerekiyorsa düzeltmeler yapabilirsiniz. Sonra kredi kartı veya PayPal ile online ödeme geçin. Ödemeyi başarı ile tamamladıktan sonra, rezervasyon onayınızın çıktısını almak için arka sayfaya dönün- bu aşamada rezervasyon onayınız onaylanmış olacaktır. Bütün bu işlemler genelde10-15 dakika sürüyor.
Eğer ki gitmek istediğiniz yerden emin değilseniz tavsiye almak isterseniz veya özel istekleriniz ve sorularınız varsa, Kredi kartı ile ödeme geçmeden , ekibimize rezervasyonunuz ile ilgili sorularınızı gönderebilirsiniz- Biz size bir iş günü içinde cevap vereceğiz.

Online ödeme

Online ödeme nasıl yapabilirim?
Rezervasyon ödemenizi online kredi kartı veya PayPal ile yapabilirsiniz
Kredi kartı ile ödeme: Kredi kartı ile ödemeyi seçtiyseniz, kredi kartı bilgilerinizi girmek için güvenli bir sayfaya yönlendirileceksiniz. If you pay by credit card you authorize us to block the reservation amount on your credit card. No actual funds are withdrawn until the cancellation deadline term, clearly stated during the booking process. On the date of the cancellation deadline the reservation amount is withdrawn from your credit card if you have not cancelled your booking. Our online credit card payments are powered by UBB Bank and Postbank Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Organisation for Credit Card Payments (BORICA). For over 10 years we have been protecting carefully our customers' private and financial data.
Payment by PayPal: if you choose to pay by PayPal the reservation amount is transferred from your PayPal account to our PayPal account. If you cancel your reservation within 30 days from the date you have made the reservation, the money is transferred back to your PayPal account with no penalty fee. If you cancel your reservation after more then 30 days but before the cancellation deadline, you pay the PayPal fee for the transfer.

Fees and charges

Do I pay a reservation fee or any additional charges?
You don't pay any fee for the online reservation. You can pay your reservation online by Credit Card or by PayPal. No fee is due for credit card payments with Visa and Mastercard and 1.2% additional fee is due for payments with American Express credit cards only. Due to the substantial fees for withdrawing money from PayPal to Bulgaria, 3% additional fee is applied to PayPal payments only.

Reservation cancellation

How can I cancel or change my booking?
When you confirm your booking you receive a unique number of the reservation. You can use your e-mail address and booking number to log into our website and cancel your booking. To make a modification of your booking you can send us an inquiry by e-mail or use the contact forms on this website.
Do I pay a cancellation fee?
If you cancel your booking before the cancellation deadline clearly stated during the booking process no penalty will be applied. In case you cancel your booking after the cancellation deadline term, the cancellation penalty stated during the booking process will apply. For city hotels usually the cancellation deadline term is one business day prior to your arrival at the hotel and the cancellation penalty is equal to the price of the first overnight. However, for some periods and some hotels this may vary - please pay attention during the reservation process.
How do I know that my booking has been cancelled?
After you have cancelled your reservation you will receive an email to confirm your cancellation.


Are the rates on the website per person or per room?
All accommodation prices for reservations are quoted per room per night based on standard room occupancy (for example - 1 person for a single room and 2 persons for a double). Prices and discounts for additional persons, children, as well as food supplements are usually quoted per person. On the booking page, once you specify all booking details, the final price is quoted. There are no additional fees, no extra costs, and all rates include VAT for all hotels, which means no hidden charges when you book through our website; the price you see is the price you pay for all hotels. However, if you are still uncertain or some questions or concerns arise, please, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here for you.

Can I request an extra bed for a third person in a double room and how much does it cost?
Again this depends on each hotel’s policy and availability. Once you have become aware of the availability for a specific hotel for the requested dates and if the possibility and the cost of an extra bed in the room are not specified in the hotel’s page description, please, do not hesitate to submit your enquiry to us, we will be more than glad to assist you.

Is breakfast always included in the price?
In 90% of the hotels breakfast is included in the price. On the booking page you can choose the food option if more than one is available. It is clearly stated which meals are included in the price.

Do you offer special discounts?

Absolutely, we are aimed at the utmost satisfaction of our loyal and potential clients, so we provide the best available rates for the dates of your stay. Our discounted rates are are valid only for reservations made online and they are not valid for reservations, made directly at the hotel.
Special discounted deals are also on offer for early bookings, city breaks, weekend specials, long stay, groups, meetings and seminars.

We have two small kids, so can we get extra beds in the room?
In general one extra bed for one child is available free of charge. However, please note that this possibility depends on each hotel’s policy and availability. We kindly advise you to read carefully the prices for each hotel.