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oteller Bulgaristan (219)

Bulgaristan'da 2024/25 kayak

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Obzor Beach Resort Otel 2 dan 7 in Obzor



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hotel rating 8 out of 10 8/10 based on 20 yorumlar

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3.9 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3.9 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3.9 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3.9 out of 5 | 3.9 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3.6 out of 5Konum: 3.6 out of 5Konum: 3.6 out of 5Konum: 3.6 out of 5 | 3.6 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3.0 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3.0 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3.0 out of 5 | 3.0 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3.2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3.2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3.2 out of 5 | 3.2 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4.0 out of 5Yemek: 4.0 out of 5Yemek: 4.0 out of 5Yemek: 4.0 out of 5 | 4.0 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4.9 out of 5eðlence: 4.9 out of 5eðlence: 4.9 out of 5eðlence: 4.9 out of 5eðlence: 4.9 out of 5 | 4.9 out of 5

+ Ýnceleme by
26.08.2024 12:38

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2024
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Âå÷å 5-6 ãîäèíè ïîñåùàâàìå. Îñíîâíèòå ïðåäèìñòâà - ïúðâà ëèíèÿ è ìíîãî ñïîêîåí, íå ïðåíàñåëåí ïëàæ.

+ Ýnceleme by
24.08.2024 07:03

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2024
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Åäèíñòâåíîòî õóáàâî íåùî â òîçè õîòåë å ïëàæúò. Áÿõìå íàåëè àïàðòàìåíò ñ òðè ñïàëíè, êîéòî èçîáùî íå áåøå ïî÷èñòåí äîáðå - ïÿñúê ïî çåìÿòà, äèâàíèòå öåëèòå â ïÿñúê, òðîõè è ïåòíà. Åäíàòà áàíÿ ìèðèøåøå óæàñíî íà ìóõúë, ïàÿæèíè çàä âðàòèòå.... Âðàòàòà íà åäíàòà ñïàëíÿ íå ñå çàòâàðÿøå, êàêòî è åäíàòà âðàòà êúì áàëêîíà. Ïî÷èñòâàíå - åäèíñòâåíî ìåæäó 14 è 16, êîåòî çà õîðàòà ñ ìàëêè äåöà å íåâúçìîæíî. Ïîñåòèõìå åäíî îò çàâåäåíèÿòà â êîìïëåêñà - áàð Òðîïèêàíà. Îáÿä çà òðèìà ñ ïî åäíà íàïèòêà èçëèçà îêîëî 100 ëâ., ìàñèòå öåëèòå â ïÿñúê è òðîõè, íå ñå îòñåðâèðà ñ ÷àñîâå, ïî çåìÿòà ñàëôåòêè è îñòàòúöè îò õðàíà, äèâàíèòå öåëèòå â ïåòíà. Õèãèåíàòà òîòàëíî íå ñúîòâåòñòâà íà 4-çâåçäåí õîòåë, òîàëåòíèòå ïðè ðåöåïöèÿòà ñà â îêàÿí âèä è ìèðèøàò îò íÿêîëêî ìåòðà ðàçñòîÿíèå. Íå áèõ ïðåïîðú÷àëà íà íèêîãî òîâà ìèçåðíî ìÿñòî!

+ Ýnceleme by
02.08.2024 05:33

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2024
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
20.07.2024 06:04

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2024
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 2 out of 5Yemek: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Ìåñòîïîëîæåíèåòî íà õîòåëà å íåïîñðåäñòâåíî äî ïëàæà.
Àïàðòàìåíòèòå ñà â îòíîñèòåëíî äîáðî ñúñòîÿíèå è ñïåöèàëíî äâóñïàëåí åêñêëóçèâíî ìîðå áåøå ìíîãî ïðîñòîðåí.
Ãîëåìèÿò ïðîáëåì íà õîòåëà å öÿëîñòíîòî îáñëóæâàíå,êîåòî å íà íèâî 1-2 çâåçäè (à âñè÷êè öåíè ñà êàòî çà 5çâåçäè!):
Ïî÷èñòâàíåòî ñå èçðàçÿâà â íåðåäîâíà ñìÿíà íà êúðïè, áîêëóê è òîàëåòíà õàðòèÿ. Çà 5íîùóâêè ÷àðøàôè è òîàëåòíè ïðèíàäëåæíîñòè íå áÿõà çàìåíÿíè.
Ðåñòîðàíòèòå è áàðîâåòå ñà áåçîáðàçíî ñêúïè,à êà÷åñòâîòî íà õðàíàòà è îáñëóæâàíåòî òîòàëíî íå îòãîâàðÿò íà öåíèòå.
Îêîëî áàñåéíèòå èìà ìíîãî øåçëîíãè è âúïðåêè òîâà ñëåä 9÷ å ïðàêòè÷åñêè íåâúçìîæíî äà ñå íàìåðè ñâîáîäåí.

+ Ýnceleme by
05.07.2024 05:50

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2024
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
05.09.2023 12:13

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
16.08.2023 09:05

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 2 out of 5Konum: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 2 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
15.08.2023 05:55

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2023

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
07.08.2023 05:47

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Ïðåêðàñíî ìÿñòî çà ðåëàêñ. Ñ óäîâîëñòâèå ùå ãî ïîñåòèì îòíîâî!

+ Ýnceleme by
01.08.2023 01:53

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 2 out of 5Yemek: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Ñ ðåçåðâàöèÿ åêñïëîçèâ ìîðå áÿõìå ïúðâîíà÷àëíî íàñòàíåíè â ñòàÿ ñ èçãëåä ïîêðèâà íà ðåñòîðàíòà,ñ÷óïåí äèâàí,âðàòè è ïðîçîðöè áåç óïëàòíåíèÿ(âÿòúðà ñâèðåøå äî íåòúðïèìîñò)Ñëåä îïëàêâàíå,íåðâè,ðàçî÷àðîâàíèå...áÿõìå íàñòàíåíè â äðóã àïàðòàìåíò â êúñíèÿ ñëåäîáåä!

+ Ýnceleme by
28.07.2023 11:07

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
22.07.2023 05:38

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
21.07.2023 07:00

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 2 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

I am afraid that this place is deterioreting and nobody cares

+ Ýnceleme by
17.07.2023 11:24

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

The location is super! The whole beach is in front of the hotel and this is the best asset of the hotel. Mostly of the apartments are from private owners and are given to hotel to be managed and some of them are well aged and need to be repainted at least. The room was big enough, but there was a problem with sunshades. We were at ground floor and the sunshades was very transparent and everything is visible from outside (day and night if you use a lamp from inside). With the other room there wasn't a problem because the sunshades was different. The apartment hasn't been cleaned for our check-in and it was a dirty, especially the floor. The staff are polite and they make an effort, but only if you ask them to do it. The food wasn't good enough (for our family personally), most of the meals are semi-finished products from large retail chains such as METRO. I noticed that sometimes when a meal is finished, they don't bring the same again instead of this they bring different (it wasn't every time but it was noticeable). Very few options for salads and no variety of them. The machines for coffee which were for all inclusive was different (i don't mean by manufacturer, but by taste) from those who were opened for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We arrived a lit a bit early for the season (29.06) and i suppose that the hotel wasn't ready enough for the tourists, because at July there was an improvement of the quality of the food. But then appeared an another problem. When in hotel arrived more tourists, the kitchen started to delay some of the meals, may be the capacity is low or staff. In general we are satisfied from our vacation, and will give another chance to the hotel next year, but definitely they are not 4* hotel, may be strong 3* is more suitable.

+ Ýnceleme by
14.07.2023 02:20

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
10.07.2023 08:19

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
10.07.2023 12:38

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Èìàøå ìðàâêè â ñïàëíÿòà, âåðàíäàòà è ñòúëáèòå êúì âåðàíäàòà.

+ Ýnceleme by
09.09.2016 06:05

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2016
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5eðlence: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
20.08.2012 07:01

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5Konum: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

+ Ýnceleme by
29.06.2010 02:49

Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2010
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Obzor Beach Resort

Èñêàëè ñïîêîéíîå ìåñòå÷êî ñ ÷èñòûì ïëÿæåì äëÿ îòäûõà ñ ìàëåíüêèìè äåòüìè. Åñëè çàêðûòü ãëàçà íà ïåðèîäè÷åñêè íåðàáîòàþùèé ëèôò (àïàðòàìåíòû áûëè íà ïÿòîì ýòàæå) - ïàðó ðàç ïðèøëîñü ïåøêîì èäòè, è ïðîáëåìû ñ ãîðÿ÷åé âîäîé - äåòåé íàìûë - ïîäîæäè ïîêà íàãðååòñÿ âîäà, òî îòäûõ óäàëñÿ è ìû ïîëó÷èëè âñå òî, ÷òî õîòåëè. ×èñòî, ñïîêîéíî, ðàçäîëüå äëÿ äåòîê. Ñ äåòüìè â ýòîì îòåëå îòäûõàòü õîðîøî. Êàê âûÿñíèëîñü î÷åíü ìíîãèå èç ãîñòåé, ñ êåì ìû ïîçíàêîìèëèñü, ïðèåçæàþò íå ïåðâûé ãîä. Ïèòàíèå íà òðîå÷êó ñ ìèíóñîì. Òàê è íå ïîíÿëà, ÷òî ìíå òàê ðàñõâàëèâàëè çíàêîìûå.