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oteller Bulgaristan (218)

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Edelweiss Hotel Otel 15 dan 29 in Golden Sands



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hotel rating 6.6 out of 10 6.6/10 based on 14 yorumlar

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3.1 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3.1 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3.1 out of 5 | 3.1 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 3.5 out of 5Konum: 3.5 out of 5Konum: 3.5 out of 5Konum: 3.5 out of 5 | 3.5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3.2 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3.2 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3.2 out of 5 | 3.2 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3.6 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3.6 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3.6 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3.6 out of 5 | 3.6 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 3.6 out of 5Yemek: 3.6 out of 5Yemek: 3.6 out of 5Yemek: 3.6 out of 5 | 3.6 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 3.3 out of 5eðlence: 3.3 out of 5eðlence: 3.3 out of 5 | 3.3 out of 5

+ Ýnceleme by
08.09.2020 06:41

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2020
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

+ Ýnceleme by
24.09.2019 05:49

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2019

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

+ Ýnceleme by
24.09.2019 09:44

Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2019
Yolcu türü: tek baþýna tatil

Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 3 out of 5eðlence: 3 out of 5eðlence: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

Уважаемая Госпожа Violeta,
Спасибо Вам за письмо, которое и должно бы быть, но у меня есть другие аргументы и факты.
1. В 2018 году между менеджером отеля Едельвайс и мной было заключено соглашение что "парковка" будет бесплатной. Это была менеджер маленькая светлая женщина, но имени я ее не помню.
2. Как у Вас совесть позволяет брать с инвалида-человека который сколько раз был у Вашем отеле и на "парковке" которая вообще не есть парковкой. Парковка это место где есть специальное обозначения, границы, промежутки и тд. Парко́вка (также Паркинг от англ. parking) — технический термин, означающий штатный перевод механизма, устройства, транспортного средства в нерабочее, неподвижное положение в предусмотренном для этого безопасном месте. Закон Европейского Союза о хранении транспортных средств п.25 на паркингах предусматривает, что сам оператор, т.е. субъект хозяйствования, осуществляющий оборудование и содержание парковки, всего лишь предоставляет вам время и место для стоянки автомобиля. Более того, п. 27 Правил хранения транспортных средств на автостоянке предусматривает, согласно которому автостоянки гарантируют сохранность транспортного средства, в случае их угона, разукомплектования или повреждения во время хранения, автостоянка несет ответственность согласно законодательству. У Вас только политика брать деньги и есть написана табличка, но услуга сама по себе незаконна и необоснована. Два года назад эта Ваша "парковка" была бесплатна и потому я был у Вашем отеле, но теперь вижу не имеет смысла, много отелей предлагают бесплатный паркинг и тем более я пострадал материально из за повреждения моего автомобиля.
3. Во время пребывания в период от 09.09.2019-21.09.2019 мой автомобиль был поврежден ветками с деревьев и поцарапан кузов автомобиля. Фото Вам высылаю в атачменте к письму.Мой автомобиль стоял в месте под деревьями, на камнях со стеклом и мусором! Это вы называете парковкой. Я обращался на рецепцию что такое случилось но ответ был невнятный, мол, переставте на другое место.Но другого места не всегда было. Вы нарушили Правила хранения потому что ветви деревьев, мусор, стекло и вобще место не предназначено для инвалида и Вы еще просите об оплате за паркинг? Мне очень жалко, но за такую услугу я платить не буду, тем более я инвалид войны на Востоке Украины и сегодня работаю адвокатом в международных делах. Если нужны будут факты и аргументы то я могу подать в суд на отель Мирабел, о некачественном предоставлении услуги и вымогателстве денег за "паркинг" который вообще не соответствует нормам правил хранения автомобилей на парковках в Европейском Союзе, поскольку мой автомобиль пострадал именно на Вашей парковке, я собрал фотографии и двух свидетелей а также сьемку на камеру для евентуального предоставления судебной власти.
Моя чисто человеческая Вам предложение, привести в порядок вашу парковку от муссора, стекла, ветви деревьев, сделать нормальные места, обозначенные границ и тогда брать деньги с туристов Вашего отеля. Посмотрите какие парковки в отеле Лилия, Берлин, Грифид и это действительно парковки!
С уважением, Адвокат Юрчак В.В.

+ Ýnceleme by
13.06.2019 11:53

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Mayýs 2019
Yolcu türü: tek baþýna tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5Yemek: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

I stayed at another partner hotel Riu Astoria,because edelweiss was closed on repairment

+ Ýnceleme by
23.09.2017 06:49

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2017
Yolcu türü: tek baþýna tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5Yemek: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5eðlence: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

+ Ýnceleme by
16.12.2013 01:42

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 2 out of 5Konum: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 2 out of 5eðlence: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

pylen ujas !

+ Ýnceleme by
04.09.2013 10:14

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2013
Yolcu türü: Arkadaþlar/þirket tatile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Yemek: Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5Yemek: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Eðlence: eðlence: 2 out of 5eðlence: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

+ Ýnceleme by
31.08.2009 08:07

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2009
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

We arrived at 4.00am august 2009. There was no bed for our son. We asked them to bring one and when they did they gave us the sheets to make the bed.
Very rude, food very bad. The area at breakfast and dinner was very dirty. The rooms never cleaned. People at reception were very rude. air-condition sometimes was cold but the most of the times was hot. When we told them they didn't care.
i do not recommend this hotel for your vacation.

+ Ýnceleme by
28.08.2009 02:52

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2009
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 2 out of 5Konum: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

Food in hotel was awful. Bulgarian hotels dont really provide "hot" food, so when the food was luke warm this was to be accepted. However the food had various spices added to them and everything was covered in a thick sauce which was awful. On more than one occasion I had food poisioning, meat was often "just" cooked.
The location of the hotel is up away from the beach and main area, however to get to it you have to go down and (then of course back up) a hell of a lot of stairs and the ones the hotel suggests has no lighting and is through the woods. Most the stairs are unstable also. The walk to the beach / prom area was enough to cause aches the youngest and fittest. On the last day we stored our cases in the room provided until it was time to go - however when we actually needed to get our cases back we were left waiting a further 15 - 20 minutes for a staff member to return with the key! Oh and there is nothing for children, no entertainment, and what they class as a gym is a dark dingy room, with about 4 things that have seen better days!!
Overall the hotel needs some urgent attention and I will be suprised if they have ever had a returning guest. Food = bad. Room = bad. Location = terrible.

+ Ýnceleme by
02.09.2008 08:48

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2007
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

I was at this hotel last year, we had a double room with swimming pool view. The rooms are very large and clean. The stuff was very ok from the guy from the swimming pool bar till the guy from car rental. It is 5 minutes from the beach but you have to go through a little park with some stairs to get there. There are some rooms that have sea view. They have also children pool. Regarding the breakfast it is true that I wasnt pleased. A lot of food but not so good.

+ Ýnceleme by
17.08.2008 10:13

Konaklama tarihi: aðustos 2008
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

No four star, that's for sure, but neither is the price. The trip to the beach is not all that awful, about 7 minutes goig up and more like 5 going down (and i'm no athlete). The room is clean (and kept clean impeccably), large enough, the view is great, especially from the upper floors. The food was indeed unsatisfactory, lacking in variety, the restaurant seeming part of a different picture altogether, with staff lacking in all aspects, including cleanliness. We only had breakfast there but I could definitely congratulate myself for not having got the "all inclusive". The pool, seamed fine, but I don't like pools, so I never used it. The front desk staff was ok, being sufficient in English, (only one spoke German), but lacking in general presence and attitude(again, deffinitely no four stars), and they spent an awfull lot of time chitchating in their language, wich, to me was a bit unconfortable. All and all, the hotel is ok, no four stars though, more like two stars.

+ Ýnceleme by
28.07.2008 03:20

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5Konum: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

It was great last year in 2007... this year we ll go for 2 weeks.... than we can have 4 times pub crawl :-)

+ Ýnceleme by
16.07.2008 04:45

Arkadaþa öneririmArkadaþa öneririm

Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Otel puan</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5Fiyat oraný: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5Konum: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5Personel / hizmet: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5Oda /Konaklama: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel

Very friendly personnel, good breakfast. We'll definitely return there some day.

+ Ýnceleme by
26.04.2008 12:05

Otel puan: <b>Otel puan</b>: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Fiyat oraný: Fiyat oraný: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Konum: Konum: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Personel / hizmet: Personel / hizmet: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Oda /Konaklama: Oda /Konaklama: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5

Edelweiss Hotel