otel için yorumlar:
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+ İnceleme by Besim Asslani
12.01.2025 12:00
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2025
+ İnceleme by Goce Spasov
08.08.2023 07:03
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: ağustos 2023
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Water in the pools not clean. Construction waa happening that was noisy and making the space dirty. Persons that were not hotel guests were appearing at the bar at night. The back entry door at the anex building was unlocked and that makes the building vunarable to uncontroled entries. The guest at the neighbouring room were loud at night..
20.03.2023 07:03
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2023
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by Bekim
13.03.2023 05:20
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2023
No Internet in the room. Service could be better
+ İnceleme by Zoran Borojevic
14.01.2020 10:24
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2020
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Wm Gregor
10.01.2020 01:21
Konaklama tarihi: Ekim 2019
Yolcu türü: tek başına tatil
Good morning
I hope this email finds you well. I would like to contribute a CBD edibles article to your site bulgaria-hotels.com. It would be great if you could add my details to the bio along with a link to vapelifemag.com.
Here it is!
The Ultimate CBD Edibles Guide
Also known as cannabinoids, CBD refers to hemp content contained in the cannabis plant. Along with other cannabinoids, CBD takes the lion share of the cannabis herb. People can use cannabinoids in various ways when it is extracted from the cannabis herb, but this depends on what it contains. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD are the famous cannabinoids, and each has different effects.
The Difference between THC and CBD
THC edibles differ from CBD edibles in a few ways. First, CBD edibles are legal according to federal law. However, CBD edibles may sometimes contain low traces of THC, but it should not exceed 0.3 percent, which is the required threshold. Contrary, THC is known for its high effect, which people often associate with cannabis sativa, a plant species under the family of cannabis plants. Another plant species under this family is hemp. CBD doesn_t induce the body and high mind-altering effects that are associated with THC. Instead, CBD extracts are obtained from the hemp herb, which is legal in many states. You can either vape, take orally, or put CBD topically. The exciting thing is that CBD doesn_t come with the psychotropic effect that THC is known for. The impact of THC on the mind and body are quite different, and state and federal law prohibits growing in many places. Though a few countries have already legalized the THC aspect for recreational purposes, many states are still yet to approve it.
CBD edibles are associated with energy and mood uplift. Edibles such as CBD cookies and chocolates are known for relieving stress and a variety of ailments. CBD edibles are a viable option for people with chronic conditions, where constant use of pain killers can impact their health negatively. It isn_t associated with the addictive qualities that various pharmaceuticals, such as THC contains, and it can even be used as a remedy for someone addicted to THC. Research has so far found little side effects of CBD edibles, and the benefits of its medicinal purposes are unmatched. In essence, CBD edibles are a natural option to relieve a set of mind and body-altering ailments.
What are the Uses of CBD Edibles?
You can use CBD edibles for various reasons. One way is that it has been used as a remedy to ailments such as inflammation, epilepsy, nerve pain, chronic pain, depression, symptoms of anxiety, and insomnia. Whether it is in the form of edible, vape as an oil, or take it topically as a lotion, CBD can be administered in different ways. CBD edibles are available in a wide range of form, including cooking oils, baked goods, and gummies. The popularity and rise of CBD continue to grow as people enjoy its benefits.
How Can Someone Enjoy CBD Edibles?
There are a set of different options for administering CBD edibles. It can be taken in the form of baked goods, capsules, pill, oils, or gummies. CBD edibles are safe for humans and pet purposes. Here are a few ways of taking CBD edibles.
CBD Capsules and Pills
Capsules and pills are similar to taking prescription drugs, and it is a great route to consider if you have no issue with CBD edibles. CBD pills and capsules intake occurs in the same fashion as with capsule and medication vitamins. Just take the tablet or pill orally and give it time for its effects to manifest.
CBD Gummies
Taking CBD in the form of gummies is one of the best ways to enjoy CBD edibles. Plenty of CBD gummies flavors are available, and some are reminiscent of the candy that you grew up enjoying.
CBD Cooing Oil
Not all CBD oils are taken through vaping. Some come in the form of oil, where users can put a few drops in the mouth and consume them orally. Others are in the form of cooking oil, which people can use for cooking sweet dishes and savory.
CBD Edibles for Pets
CBD Oil For Cats
Injecting puppies and kittens with CBD hardly comes to our thoughts. However, recent studies have found that CBD edibles can improve the health of dogs and cats immensely. That_s because animals have the same endocannabinoid system like the one found in humans, and binding it with CBD edibles can help relieve anxiety and pain in animals as well. Pet owners whose dogs have been ailing for a while should consider administering CBD oil to help alleviate the pain and speed up recovery.
CBD Oil For Dogs
Of course, we crave for baked cakes, and CBD cookies come in that form. Get treats such as brownies and cookies to take your CBD experience to another level.
Tips for taking CBD Edibles
There are a few tricks to keep in mind when taking CBD edibles.
Beginners should start with a low dosage to assess how their bodies will react to it.
Then try to increase the dosage slowly as you monitor your body_s response.
Take time to research the oil or edible that you buy and confirm its potency and purity level. Keep off any CBD that has traces of THC, and shop around to find the best CBD for you.
Give the CBD time to work after having a heavy meal.
How to Choose the Right CBD Product or Edible?
Finding the right CBD edible is all about needs and preferences. It is up to the users to decide how quickly they would want the effects of their edibles to manifest. For example, CBD taken in an edible form can take longer to kick in because it depends on the kind of food and your digestion, but its effects are quicker when it is taken as a pill. It is up to you as well to determine whether you want something with fewer calories and sugary such as cookies and gummies. Another thing to consider when shopping for CBD is that the dosages of some edibles are higher than others. First, find out about whatever ailment you are trying to alleviate before picking your edibles. Some edibles or dosages work better for anxiety than others, while others are ideal for chronic issues and muscular pain. CBD lotions, Salve, and Cream are other options for taking CBD. You can apply Salve and Cream on a swollen or injured body part for alleviating pain. Though this is an alternative to utilizing CBD in edibles, capsules, and vaping, it still bears fruits when applied as stipulated. It is an option that users can use daily to alleviate chronic pain and handle stretch marks that are ailing them. Researching the available CBD products and which works the best for you can enable you to make the right decision for whatever CBD product or edible you would want to use.
How CBD Edibles Work
You first have to understand how the endocannabinoid system in the human body works to know how the effects of CBD edibles kick in. Also known as ECS, the endocannabinoid system is a biological system within the human body, and it comprises of lipid-based neurotransmitters. Its role is to bind to the receptors of cannabinoids that are scattered throughout the central nervous system. The endocannabinoid system produces cannabinoids to regulate different aspects of the nervous system as well as inflammation in human beings. It can help regulate ailments, epilepsy, and pain. Cannabinoids occur in our bodies naturally, but boosting our organs with an external cannabinoid from CBD edibles can increase the positive effects within the endocannabinoid system. The role of the endocannabinoid system isn_t only to respond to internal cannabinoids, but the external cannabinoids as well. Response to external cannabinoids that come in the form of CBD edibles can help mediate inflammation and chronic pain. Science and different studies back up the benefits of CBD edibles, and it is one of the few available natural remedies.
Edibles vs. Vaping CBD
CBD products are also available for use in vaporizers, but that depends on personal preferences. Some people prefer smoking while others use to take their CBD products in vape pens. Others may want to control their CBD intake by smoking instead of taking in the form of edibles. Taking CBD products in vape pens allows the effects to hit in a little quicker than taking them in the form of edibles. Vaping is a viable option for someone who would not want to wait for minutes or hours for the effects of CBD to kick in after eating. However, both edibles and vaping are discreet in a way, and the CBD will have the same results as long as the dosage remains the same.
Incredible Benefits of CBD Edibles
Long-Lasting Relief
CBD edibles have several benefits over gummies and CBD inhaled with vape pens. It can take a while for CBD edibles to take effect, but the results can last longer than vaping or smoking. CBD edibles combine the active compound of cannabinoids with other foodstuffs for better results. The digestive system releases CBD slowly as digestion takes place. The results might take longer to manifest, but they are long-lasting.
Non-Psychotropic Effects
Of course, CBD is a compound of the cannabis sativa plant, but many people are surprised to find out that its psychotropic effects aren_t as high as THC. Instead, it offers users a sense of alerted energy and mellow mood uplift. Given its long-lasting nature, cookies and brownies infused with CBD can provide prolonged relief from everyday stressors and mild pains. It is an excellent option for anyone who would want to enjoy the effects of cannabis without any side effects.
Easy to Make
Though some prefer making infused cooking oils and cannabutter, CBD edibles such as brownies and cookies are simple to make. You can even add CBD extracts to baked and cooked foods for an antioxidant boost. However, note that the effects of isolated CBD are less effective compared to the cannabis plant. You can now find CBD crystals made with isolated and purified CBD online and in access points. CBD edibles are easy to dose and can give a user more control over their CBD intake.
Less Risk of Lung Irritation
Vape pens have become popular than ever, but their long-term implication is still yet to be determined. Thinning agents such as polyethylene and propylene glycol are also present in many vape pens. Research suggests that heating these thinning agents to temperatures above 224_ can produce toxic carcinogens. Vape pens that don_t contain these thinning agents are available, but CBD edibles are an excellent option to avoid poisonous compounds.
General Remedy
Researchers suggest that care physicians can use CBD in medicine. Several CBD-infused drugs have already proved successful in treating ailments, epilepsy, and pain in clinical trials. CBD doesn_t benefit people with chronic conditions only, but anyone else who consume it as well. However, it may not work well for people with ailments related to first-aid. Research has found that some CBD edibles work the same as over-the-counter remedies, and their side effects aren_t as harsh as some of the pharmaceutical drugs.
Some CBD forms are impractical or cumbersome. You could be using a large vape pen, and pulling it out in public may sometimes not be convenient. People who would want to boost their focus during the workday or relieve pain during a long flight can consider bringing with them a CBD gummy.
Available Online
Online availability is another benefit of CBD edibles. Though regulations on CBD products are little strict, online CBD vendors across the United States can sell their products online and ship them anywhere. You can also find CBD products in a handful of European nations. Those edibles that are sold online are derived from the hemp plant. People often refer to cannabis when discussing a variety of plants that can produce THC. The hemp plant was used for seed and fiber, but it is now being applied to low-THC and high-CBD cannabis cultivars. Any cannabis with as low as 0.3 percent THC, which is the required threshold is considered hemp in the United States. Hemp products sold online contain less than 0.3 percent THC.
08.01.2020 09:22
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2020
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by Evangelos Chatzigeorgiadis
07.01.2020 08:01
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2020
Ğáãùìåíç ğéóéíá êáé ôæáêïõæé , ãåíéáêá ìåãáëï îåíïäï÷åéï áëëá êáğùò ğáñáôçìåíï, ôá öáãçôá åğéóçò ğïëõ êáôù ôïõ ìåôñéïõ
06.01.2020 05:24
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2020
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Äõóôõ÷şò ç êáèáñéüôçôá Şôáí áíığáñêôç. ÁğëŞ áëëáãŞ ğåôóåôùí êáé Üäåéáóìá ôùí êïõâáäùí óôï äéÜóôçìá 4 çìåñşí êáé êáôüğéí áéôŞìáôïò ìáò. Ïıôå óêïığéóìá ïıôå êáèáñéüôçôá óôï ìğÜíéï. Ôï ğñïóùğéêü äåí ãíùñßæåé áããëéêÜ ïğüôå äıóêïëç åğéêïéíùíßá.
+ İnceleme by Игор Стојаноски
12.12.2019 09:56
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2019
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Zoran
11.12.2019 07:11
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2019
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
good hotel with reasonable prices.
+ İnceleme by Katerina Jovanovska
11.12.2019 05:05
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2019
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Lidija
11.12.2019 08:54
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2019
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Aleksandar
11.12.2019 08:11
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2019
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Tone Ana-Maria
10.03.2019 12:51
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2018
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by Kaloussi Pelagia
10.03.2019 07:16
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Dmitri
10.03.2019 06:41
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2019
Âñ¸ îòëè÷íî , âñåì äîâîëåí !
+ İnceleme by Milan
10.03.2019 06:17
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ekim 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Great experience for our family holiday. With every single detail hotel gave us the impression of luxury.
+ İnceleme by Giagkou Konstantinos
10.04.2018 08:38
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Nisan 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by heather
02.04.2018 01:44
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
I booked this accommodation for a family skiing holiday. I paid for all inclusive but did not get what i understand as all inclusive. No snacks, drinks or ice creams.
its very difficult to get from the annex to the main building with children and pushchair. lots of steps and dangerous hazards, holes in the path, loose bricks, empty pool, ramp covered in ice.
The play room was either closed or being used by school groups so we were not allowed to use it.
the shuttle bus only runs 3 times,from the hotel,in the morning and 3 times, back to the hotel, in the afternoon, so impossible to get back for lunch. The drivers drove much too fast and played loud music at full blast.
The wine is undrinkable and we were unable to get soft drinks, coffee or alcohol, except when the restaurant is open. beer and local spirits are okay
The rooms are nice and spacious although hot water is not often available. However, we discovered that the showers in the swimming pool were always hot and high powered.
The food looks nice but is always cold, even if you get there right at the beginning of the session. The salad bar was good and the soups quite nice and usually hot.
the children liked the cakes.
There were large school parties staying at the same time as us (over 100 children, so very noisy!) this was okay for us as we had children with us but if i had gone as a couple it would have been terrible.
+ İnceleme by Igor Stojanov
12.03.2018 05:02
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2018
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by Iliuta Valentin
27.02.2018 01:38
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Boban Trajkov
20.02.2018 01:07
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Damjan JAKSIC
15.02.2018 12:20
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2018
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Nice hotel...
+ İnceleme by marian hritcu
10.02.2018 07:33
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Singurul lucru deranjant a fost ca nu s-a facut curatenie in camera in cele 4 zile
In rest totul a fost ok...
+ İnceleme by Nicola seddon
28.01.2018 07:09
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
The hotel is ideal for families. Great apartments and helpful staff.
The only thing that let it down was the food. We were all inclusive and every meal
was cold.
10.01.2018 08:53
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Diana-Elena Dobos
08.01.2018 05:44
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
07.01.2018 07:37
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2018
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
At the lobby you can't find a place to sit without noise! !!!!
07.01.2018 05:44
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2018
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by Apostolescu Andrei
05.01.2018 03:23
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2017
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
1. I have booked a room with a bathtub on your website and was also promised one (it was written on the booking ticket), but when I got to the hotel I realised this wasn't the case and I was informed there is no possible way for me to get one, as the hotel is fully booked
2. Almost nobody at the hotel speaks english. Almost every time I wanted to ask someone at the reception, at the store or at the bar something I had to wait for them to bring someone whit whom I could communicate
3. The rooms were dirty and the cleaning lady only came once after we complained at the reception
4. The food was horrible, althought I have paid for all inclusive I had to eat somewhere else
+ İnceleme by Radu-Mihai Scurtu
04.01.2018 01:34
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2017
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
The staff was rude and were not benefits for a 4 stars hotel.
+ İnceleme by Äåëÿíà Ãîãè÷åâà
04.04.2017 12:34
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2017
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Âñè÷êî áåøå ïåğôåêòíî ñ èçêëş÷åíèå íà áàñåéíà, âîäàòà áåøå ìàëêî ñòóäåíà.
Áèõ ãî ïîñåòèëà îòíîâî!
Ïîçäğàâè :)
28.02.2017 07:29
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2017
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Apopei Simona
05.01.2017 09:31
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2016
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
04.01.2017 11:05
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2016
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
insecure accommodation, without input-output keeping the Orchid building, away from the main building, no tunnel or some link the buildings together and cold until you get to the main building for breakfast- lunch, spa etc.
It's like staying in unguarded house and go to the neighbors for food, spa, etc.
+ İnceleme by Öâåòàí Òîäîğîâ
01.01.2017 02:14
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2016
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by Vlado Vasiloski
27.09.2016 08:54
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2016
+ İnceleme by Kevin Parker
01.04.2016 06:12
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2016
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
I would have given the room top marks but for the fact there were no tea and coffee making facilities provided in the room.
+ İnceleme by Nata¹a
27.02.2016 07:33
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
The staff is very good , the only unpolite staff member is the chef . Everything is on high standards , but there is to much chloride in the pool , my eyes were bleading literaly when I get out. And the other bad thing is the kitchen.
+ İnceleme by Agapakis Manolis
19.02.2016 11:16
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by val
18.02.2016 11:33
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by martina hudakova
18.02.2016 08:01
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by shani shah
17.02.2016 05:58
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Lovely hotel, Beautiful Spa! The food was VERY POOR at dinner but breakfast was good. staff were okay but need to learn to smile more and have more customer service, I worked in a 4* hotel in london for many years, our priority was all about the customer returning by giving them good service, It's the staff that let this hotel down, also the housekeeping needs a complete change.
+ İnceleme by Danijela
15.02.2016 05:30
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2016
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Daniel Robinson
28.03.2015 06:55
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2015
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
The hotel itself is nice though the room small, we found it hard to get a drink and the food was terrible with little choice. It wa a hard to get to and from bansko relying on a very rare shuttle service that on 2 occasions didn't even turn up. The staff in general made us feel like they were doing us a favour by doing their job, even the spa reception was rarely manned, forcing us to wait around or find someone to get us our towels etc. We will be considering returning to Bansko again but will not be coming back to this hotel. I know it is off peak season but I still expect a high quality of service.
22.03.2015 11:52
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Eylül 2013
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by Julian Ferra
17.03.2015 07:44
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2015
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by A Glover
02.03.2015 05:54
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2015
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
Hristo the waiter in the restaurant was excellent - he made our stay very special. he did everything he could to ensure we had a great time. He even recommended a great restaurant in Bansko for a meal on our last night and phoned to make our reservation and ensured we were looked after - GREAT SERVICE
24.02.2015 05:25
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2015
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Paul Groza
09.02.2015 12:25
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2015
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
good food, nice people, clean room and not far away from ski slope
+ İnceleme by Radu Ticiu
07.02.2015 07:54
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2015
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
We had a very positive experience in Murite Club Hotel. The staff was really helpful, exceeding our expectations. There was a "technical issue" with the sofa in the living room and in order to sort it out we've received a double room on no extra cost for the whole 5 day duration of our stay.
Worth returning, we'll most probably do it in the summer!
+ İnceleme by Athanasios Tatitzikidis
29.12.2014 10:27
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2014
28.12.2014 07:54
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2014
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Nice hotel, nice location with good view. Warm rooms, good cleaning, very good pool and spa/hamam/sauna/whirlpool bath, at dinner time there is a lot of food but it is not tasty.
+ İnceleme by Florian Filat
14.07.2014 09:49
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2014
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
It is the second time I stayed with my family at Murite Hotel and I may say it is great. 9 overnights in a 2 bedroom apartment (about 90 m2) with the view to the Pirin mountain and fully equipped (including kitchen) were really relaxing. We had only accommodation and from time to time we had some meals at the hotel restaurant at fair prices. The kids enjoyed a lot the swimming pool and the ping pong table. The atmosphere in the hotel is really calm, the most of the tourists are families with kids. Personally I think it is an advantage that some spa activities are included in the apartment price. Sometimes you may find difficult to talk to the hotel staff as some of them speak poor English but to me was an opportunity to practice Bulgarian, which was an experience...Also at the hotel there are not many information on the attractions in the area (which are in fact quite many) but with some searching on internet we found some excellent places to visit, and every day we had some journey to remote villages, dancing bear park, old churches and climbed on the Pirin mountains. Overall, I find the hotel an excellent option for those who enjoy mountain environment and a combination between relaxing and active holidays.
+ İnceleme by Robert Stefanovski
11.03.2014 07:30
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mart 2014
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by Jonathan Smith
19.02.2014 08:19
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2014
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Ben Groucott
16.02.2014 08:44
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2014
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
The hotel was great, the staff, rooms, food and value is excellent. Unfortunately half the hotel was occupied by ski schools and there were a hundred children running around the whole hotel and restaurants which was very annoying. Due to the noise we ate out every night and had to pay for the shuttle to do so. It would gave been nice for this service to have been free given the circumstances.
15.02.2014 09:07
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2014
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
+ İnceleme by Gergana Tsvetanova
03.02.2014 05:27
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Şubat 2014
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Çàùîòî: íåïî÷èñòåíè àëåè-íå ìîæå îò ïúğçàëêà äà ñå ñòèãíå îò ãë.ñãğàäà äî Îğõèäåÿ,ñòóäåíè ñòàè-äîğè ñïèğàò ïàğíîòî ïğåç íîùòà,à å ÇÈÌÀ,íàñòàíÿâàò â åäíà ñòàÿ îò àïàğòàìåíò- íå ìîæå íàïúëíî íåïîçíàòè õîğà äà ïğåáèâàâàò çàåäíî â 1 àïàğòàìåíò- ñàìî â îòäåëíè ñòàè-àïàğòàìåíòà îòâàğÿø ñ êàğòà,à ñòàÿòà ñ êëş÷-íåïğåêúñíàòî ñå çàêëş÷âàù,íÿìà äîï.çàâèâêè/âúçãëàâíèöè,è íàêğàÿ-ìîëÿ Âè,êàòî ğåçåğâèğàìå,êàçâàéòå,÷å 400 äåöà ñà íà çèìåí ëàãåğ-ËÓÄÍÈÖÀÒÀ â ğåñòîğàíòà áåøå íåîïèñóåìà-à áÿõìå îòèøëè íà ïî÷èâêà.....
+ İnceleme by Roberto Cvetkovski
27.01.2014 11:23
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2014
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
This was my second stay in the hotel and I think the last. The reasons for this are: in 2013 we spent our winter holiday also in your hotel, the hotel was in much more better condition especialy the rooms and the pool, also the food in 2013 was with much higher quality and more delicious with more choices and varieties in the menu. This year I was expecting at least the same quality as in the previous year, but I was very much disapointed with the quality that your hotel delivered. And last and very important your wi- fi net this year was deep under any acceptable level. I hope that my comments will help you to improve your hotel's services and quality.
+ İnceleme by katerina vassoy
08.01.2014 12:55
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2014
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
+ İnceleme by steliana mihaela scutaru
29.12.2013 10:40
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2013
Yolcu türü: organize edilen grup
+ İnceleme by Sandy
28.12.2013 06:42
Konaklama tarihi: Aralık 2013
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Kalispera sas,
eixa kanei kratisi sto Murite ena diklino apo 24-27/12.
i oli diamoni mas tha mporouse na xaraktiristi me to epitheto apogoiteutiki.
Itan i deuteri fora pou episkeptomastan to Bansko (eixame filoxenithi sto Aspen tin proigoumeni fora).
Otan ftasame sto xenodoxio kaname check-in, kai eno perimename na taktopiithoume sta domatia mazi me ena allo zeugari pou gnorisame sti reception k eno eixame zitisi epanilimenos diplo krebati den eixame, eno to allo zeugari pou dn eixe zitisi taktopiithike se diklino me diplo krebati.
to domatio itan toso mikro pou dn mporousame na stathoume 2 atoma orthia mesa sto domatio, xoris kan mpalkoni, xoris kan psigio na baloume ena mpoukali gala, xoris kan pistolaki (se 4 asteron ksenodoxio).
I ntoulapa apotelouse diakosmitiko stixio mias kai gia na tin xrisimopiisis eprepe prota na metakomisis to komodino pou itan mprosta tis gt allios dn anige.
Gia na kanis xrisi mpournouzion eprepe na plirosis EXTRA eno se kapia alla domatia parexontan mesa sto domatio.
Oses meres meiname den irthe pote kamia kamariera na katharisi, esto na allaxi petsetes i na bali xarti sto mpanio k eno ti teleutea mera me poli eugeniko tropo zitisa na erthi k eno ixan perasi 3 ores dn eixe akoma erthi k meta apo fones tote mono irthe. Na simiothi pos kanoume ski k kathe mera feugame giro stis 10 apo to domatio k ipirxe i dinatotita na to katharisoun, (meta apo sizitisi k me alla atoma sto ksenodoxio dn eixan emfanisti poythena oi kamarieres-fantasma, den empenan gia kathimerino service).
Tin proti mera pou ftasame k kaname check-in stis 12 k, k eno taktopiithikame katebikame gia fagito dosame stin isodo to noumero tou domatiou mas mas eipan na perasoume, fagame k molis sikothikame mas kinigagan na mas poun pos dn dikeoumaste fagito, eno mas eixan afisi na perasoume, an dld ithelan na mas enimerosoun gia kati as to ekana ek ton proteron. Alla to all inclusive paketo mas ixe mesa kai mesimeriano!!!
To dorean poulmanaki tous itan sketi apati!!! eno sti reception ipirxe pinakas me tis ores anaxorisis apo ksenodoxio- Bankso k epistrofi, se periptosi pou gemize dn ebazan k allo alla se anagkazan na plirosis 'taxi', to opio taxi itan to vanaki tou xenodoxiou me ton odigo tou ksenodoxiou k to antitimo 20 lev.
Gia na pexis sto pink-ponk tou ksenodiou eprepe na plirosis 10lev ti misi ora gia na paris raketes.
To nero tis pisinas itan para poli krio, peripou 17 bathmoi me apotelesma na min mporis na ti xrisimopiisis, to tourkiko hamam itan k auto epi pliromi.
oson afora to fagito...to menu eixe simera rizi, aurio sikoti k ti triti mera pita me mesa rizi me sikoti. Ola ta fagita itan kria, eno etixe na pame molis 5 lepta pou eixe aniksi o mpoufes. To proino omos itan ontos plousio.
Den miname katholou euxaristimenoi ap to prosopiko, me exerese mia kopela sto bar.
Den eixan eugenia, xamogelo, epaggelmatismo!
Parakalo poli opos metabibasete tin empiria mas sto manager tou xenodoxiou.
Einai paraplanitiko to oti exi 4 asteria.
+ İnceleme by drakopoulos panagiotis
01.12.2013 07:58
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Kasım 2013
29.10.2013 07:41
Konaklama tarihi: Ekim 2013
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
+ İnceleme by Ljupka
03.09.2013 11:00
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2013
Yolcu türü: Arkadaşlar/şirket tatile
I stayed in apartments, bed only without food so i can't value the food(haven'ttry it). The only problem that i have was with ants.i was staying on groud floor so i ask for change and it was allowed. Your feedback timing is great:-), right now I was checking the web to see the prices because i want to come again and stay 13 to 15 of september, but it wiill cost me more expensive than in june.
+ İnceleme by zavounis vasileios
01.09.2013 09:57
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mayıs 2013
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
The stuff was very friendly but i didn't like the fact that at the restaurant the stuff did not speak english. very good price all services although i think the room could be a bit more luxurious.
+ İnceleme by sheldonvirtue
29.08.2013 09:24
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Mayıs 2013
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
every thing is ok with the hotel. i love it. love the location and bulgaria. i am coming again. i never visit a country more than once but i am coming back again. the drinking water is magical. the only thing need improving is the dinner, for example,today the pork is bulgarian style cooked but not finished and the next day the same fry pork turned stew this time. but i love the honey, yogurt, cucumber, olives, eggs, tomatoes, peppers, cheese, bacon, aubergene, cherries, the food was great. i am coming again same place same hotel same time same room same every thing.
+ İnceleme by Ognyana Simeonova
29.08.2013 05:20
Konaklama tarihi: Temmuz 2013
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
The value for money of the hotel is very good - considering how good the prices are. I stayed for 4 days mid-July 2013, and expected more. Upon entering our 1 bed apartment, it became evident the bare minimum was present and maintenance was low on the hotel priority. Broken doors, broken tiles, lights not working, no second pillows, etc etc.
The staff, although not as unfriendly as some would say, is largely under-trained and the hotel is understaffed (understandable in summer, considering it's a winter hotel). The all-inclusive menu leaves much to be desired - the staples are there, but nothing is exceptional - the a la carte menu is a little better, and the prices are acceptable. The hotel facilities also leave something to be desired - the table tennis (which is payable) equipment is in a sorry state, the downstairs bar was abandoned and had dirty glasses behind it for the duration of our stay.
Overall good value for money, but I would not repeat if I were looking for a high quality 4* hotel.
+ İnceleme by Dissatisfied
08.07.2012 06:07
Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2012
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
Cheap prices, nice looking hotel, good indoor pool, decent-sized room and bathroom.
- ROOMS NOT UP TO PAR: standard room has no air conditioning, no minibar, and a balcony shared by three rooms; the storage space was insufficient (even for light summer luggage) and the showerhead was leaky;
- EXTRA \"HIDDEN\" COSTS: drinks (despite all inclusive reservations) and bathrobes cost extra, basic items such as espresso and coca cola products cost extra yet again;
- UNDERSTAFFED & UNFRIENDLY: quite understaffed during early/mid summer (sporadic service at the spa reception, no life guards near the pool, no one at the pool and spa bars for the most of the day); an extremely rude waiter who would rather not be bothered and acted like he was the one doing us a favor;
- SUBPAR POOLS: insufficient space and sunbeds around the pools on weekends, filthy sunbed covers (we were told we had to suck it up and cover them with towels), chilly water, foul-smelling jaccuzzi in the morning, dirty outdoor pool in the afternoon (one day a guest of the hotel started cleaning the leaves floating in the pool so that his kid could go in);
- 2-STAR FOOD: little variety, lukewarm food, some of the items seemed pre-processed or store-bought (soups and sweets), others - reheated or severely overcooked (barbecue), flavorless hot drinks from coffee machines and 2 options for soft drinks from \"juice\" (or rather juice-resembling) machine.
+ İnceleme by Åêàòåğèíà
21.06.2012 03:56
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Haziran 2012
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Ïğåêàğâà 2 íåçàáğàâèìî ïğèÿòíè äíè â õîòåë Ìóğèòå!
Èçêëş÷èòåëíî ëşáåçíî îáñëóæâàíå, õğàíàòà áåøå íà íèâî, àïàğòàìåíòà ñòğàõîòåí, ïğîñòîğåí, ÷èñò, ïğèâåòëèâ è ìíîãî óäîáåí. Ãëåäêàòà å ïğåêğàñíà, ñïà öåíòúğà ñúùî. Åäèíñòâåíàòà ìè çàáåëåæêà, å ÷å ñòàèòå íå ñà äîñòàòú÷íî çâóêîèçîëèğàíè è âñè÷êî ñå ÷óâà. Íî êàòî öÿëî íà öÿëîòî ìè ñåìåéñòâî íè õàğåñà ìíîãî ïğåñòîÿ íè â õîòåëà è ñ óäîâîëñòâèå áèõìå ãî ïîñåòèëè îòíîâî. Íàäÿâàìå ñå ñúâñåì ñêîğî äà èìà îòíîâî ïîäîáíè èçãîäíè îôåğòè.
Æåëàåì âñè÷êî äîáğî íà óïğàâèòåëèòå è ïåğñîíàëà è ìíîãî óñïåõè çàíàïğåä!
+ İnceleme by Scarlet Bright
24.01.2009 09:16
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2009
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
The apartments are very spacious with very well equiped kitchens. Everything you need to cook a large family meal is provided. My husband loved the sound system as we could plug our MP3 player straight into the dock mounted in the wall. The bathrooms are large and there was plenty of hot water! A previous review made me worry about the heating, but we were toasty and warm for the whole of our stay. The towels were changed and the bin emptied everyday.
I tried out the spa and was pleased that the pool was big enough for a serious swim. The sauna and steam room were a good way to relax in the early evening. I also had a post-ski massage and while the therapist didn't speak a lot of English, she was very professional.
I thought that the slopes were excellent for beginners upto high intermediates. The lifts were really modern and I was suprised at how cheap the lift pass was. Although White Fir is a little way from the slopes the shuttle bus was reliable (the bus driver spotted me having a sneaky beer and came over to carry my equipment!). I was glad to be out of the town centre as the area around White Fir is very pretty.
We had an amazing stay at the White Fir Valley Resort!
+ İnceleme by Matthew Seaman
20.01.2009 03:55
Arkadaşa öneririm
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2009
Yolcu türü: çoçuklu aile
Arrived at the resort to be greeted by friendly, attentive staff, we were shown up to our room by a very nice porter. Our suite was wonderfully clean and brilliantly equipped, the large TV and multiroom sound system was particularly impressive. The bedrooms were spacious with ample storage and the beds very comfortable, all three bedrooms commanded excellent views of the surrounding mountains. The bathrooms were well thought out and very clean. Towels were changed daily as were the complimentary toiletries.
The pool and spa area was clean, quiet and very comfortable, the staff didn't speak very good English but were very helpful nonetheless. The sauna and steam rooms were particularly nice after a long day of skiing.
We ate in the hotel restaurant on the first night of our trip, although there was no menu, the waiter was very helpful and the food was faultless for the price. The sommelier was particularly helpful and recommended an excellent bottle of local wine.
Although the resort is approximately 10 minutes away from the slopes the resort bus was very useful and the driver flexible, we often stopped at a cheap supermarket to pick up supplies.
The resort does feel incomplete but this in no way inconvenienced our trip. Overall we were very pleased with our stay and it proved excellent value for money at 20 euro B&B!
+ İnceleme by Nick_Tonia
07.01.2009 01:18
Konaklama tarihi: Ocak 2009
Yolcu türü: bir çifte tatil
The hotel is built against a race with time in order to be at working condition in winter. The second day of our visit we faced a major problem with the heating which wasn't solved for only after 3 hours of freezing after a whole day skiing, and the lack of warm water which couldn't be solved until the next day's morning. So much for the suite, we ended up sleeping without having a bath after a whole day skiing and the hotel didn't even bother to inform us, i had to dress up and get down to the reception to get informed myself.
We still believe that "room service" is a term unfimiliar to many of the staff. Not because of their very low or even unexisting knowledge of the english language but because of the fact that towels were never changed (the ones that we wanted) , typical bath cleaning and maintenance was never performed and a vaccum cleaner was never used during our stay.
Regarding the breakfast, always enjoyed it when i came down early enough to have it warm on my plate. Nevertheless, It was always a pleasure to see the staff filling the already used 25lt one-use plastic bottles of a water dispencer from tap water in front of our eyes! Such things should not be permitted in a newborn hotel resort like this and we still can't understand how on earth such big development firms rest their investments into such hands!
Hotels in Bansko
- Amira Boutique Hotel
- Kempinski Grand Arena Hotel
- Lucky Bansko hotel
- MPM Sport Hotel
- Pirin Golf Hotel & SPA
- Premier Luxury Mountain Resort
- Regnum hotel
- Adeona apart hotel
- Apart Hotel Cornelia
- Bansko Hotel
- Bansko SPA & Holidays Hotel
- Belvedere Holiday Club
- Bulgaria hotel
- Casa Karina
- Four Points by Sheraton Bansko
- Grand Hotel Bansko
- Grand Royale Apartment Complex & Spa
- Green Wood Hotel
- Guinness Hotel
- Hotel Evelina Palace
- Hotel Lion Bansko
- Hotel Perun Lodge
- Katarino Hotel & SPA complex
- Maraya Hotel
- Maria-Antoaneta Residence
- Mountain Paradise III
- Murite Park Hotel - Main Building
- Murite Park Hotel Annex Building
- Orphey Hotel
- Park Hotel Gardenia
- Pirin Golf and Country Club
- Pirin hotel
- Platinum Hotel and Casino
- SPA Resort Saint Ivan Rilski
- SPA Resort Saint Ivan Rilski Apartments
- St. George Ski & Spa Hotel
- Sunrise Park & Spa Complex
- Terra Complex
- Terra Complex Main Building
- Vihren Palace SKI & SPA resort
- Õîòåëñêè Êîìïëåêñ Çàğà
- Apartment Complex Dream
- Aspen apartament house
- Aspen Resort Complex
- Boutique Hotel Famil
- Elegant Hotel
- Emerald Apartment Complex
- Evergreen Aparthotel & Spa
- Mountain Romance Family Hotel & Spa
- Îòåëü ÌÓĞÀ
- Belmont apart-hotel
- Mountview Lodge
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- Bansko webcam - Banderishka polyana
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- Bansko ski webcam - Shiligarnika
- Bansko webcam - Platoto
- Bansko ski webcam - Chalin valog
- Bansko webcam - Gondola lift
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